Curriculum vitae of Mr. Tuomas Kuokkanen

Born 1960

Degree in Law (LL.M) 1987 (University of Helsinki)
Postgraduate degree in Law in 1990
Doctor of Laws in 2000


  • Clerical Officer, Secretariat of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, Helsinki Commission, 1982-1986
  • Assistant in International Law at the University of Helsinki, 1987-1989
  • Notary, Hyvinkää local court, 1989-1990
  • Legal Assistant, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague, the Netherlands, 1990-1993
  • Legal Officer, Ministry of the Environment, 1993-2000
  • Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment, 2000-2016
  • Acting Professor of International Law at the University of Helsinki, 2003 and 2004
  • Part-time Professor of International Environmental Law at the University of Eastern Finland, 2004-2016
  • Justice (acting member) of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, 2016-2017
  • Member of the Compliance Committee of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2016-

Mr. Kuokkanen has participated as a member of the Finnish delegation in the negotiations of several multilateral environmental agreements. He has published a number of articles on international environmental law and international law.

Published 13.10.2017