Curriculum vitae of Mr. Kari Kuusiniemi

President of the Supreme Administrative Court 1.9.2018-

Born 1960

Master of Laws 1982
Licentiate of Laws 1985
Doctor of Laws 1992, Helsinki University


  • Justice, the Supreme Administrative Court, 1.1.2003-31.8.2018, Vice-President of Chamber, 1.9.2010-28.2.2012, President of Chamber 1.3.2012-31.8.2018, Vice-President of the Court 2013-31.8.2018
  • Professor of Environmental Law, University of Turku, 1996-2002
  • Justice (fixed period of time, 1.1.1999-30.6.2001, 1.7.2002-31.12.2002), the Supreme Administrative Court
  • Acting Professor of Law, Helsinki University of Technology, 1993-1995
  • Lecturer in Environmental Law 1991-1993
  • Junior Research Fellow, the Academy of Finland, 1985-1991
  • Assistant and Assistant Researcher, Helsinki University of Technology, 1983-1985
  • Military service 1982-1983, Senior Lieutenant (2016)

Publications: Some 20 books (partly joint publications) and more than 100 articles, several reports, case comments, etc. in the field of Environmental and Administrative Law, mainly in Finnish

Other activities:

  • Docent of four Finnish Universities
  • Visiting professor at the University of Louisville, Kentucky (September-October, 1997)
  • Expert in the South-African Water Law review (1995-1996)
  • Chairman, member and secretary in several law drafting commissions since 1985
  • Member of ERA Board of Trustees 2010-2020
  • Member of the Board of the National Defence Course Association 2011-, Chairman 2020-
  • Member of the Board of the Finnish Association of European Law 2014-2022
  • Member of the Academy of Science and Letters 2014-

Published 10.6.2020