Olli Malve

s. 1960

Diplomi insinööri, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Vesitalous, 16.12.1987 Espoo
Tekniikan tohtori, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Vesitalous, 24.9.2007 Espoo
Tuotekehittäjän erikoisammattitutkinto, Rastor Oy, 5.12.2012 Helsinki
Johtamisen erikoisammattitutkinto, Markkinointi-Instituutti, 22.8.2014 Helsinki

SYKE:n ryhmäpäällikkö 2012 -
SYKE:n erikoistutkija 1995 - 2011
USA Duke University, vieraileva tutkija 2004 - 2005
Aqua Fennica, Water Association of Finland, Editor 1995 - 1996
Vesi- ja ympäristö-hallituksen tutkimusinsinööri 1986 - 1995
Teknillisen korkeakoulun tutkija 1985 - 1986

Korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden ympäristöasiantuntijaneuvos 2017 -


Hjerppe, T., Taskinen, A., Kotamäki, N., Malve, O. & Kettunen, J. 2016 Probabilistic Evaluation of Ecological and Economic Objectives of River Basin Management Reveals a Potential Flaw in the Goal Setting of the EU Water Framework Directive. Environmental Management1-10,2016. Springer US.

Happonen, M., Koivusalo, H., Malve, O., Perkola, N., Juntunen & J., Huttula, T. 2016. Contamination risk of raw drinking water caused by PFOA sources along a river reach in south-western Finland. Science of The Total Environment, 541:74-82.

Malve, O., Hjerppe, T., Tattari, S., Väisänen, S., Huttunen, I., Kotamäki, N., Kallio, K., Taskinen, A. & Kauppila, P. 2016. Participatory operations model for cost-efficient monitoring and modeling of river basins—A systematic approach. Science of The Total Environment, 540:79-89.

Kotamäki, N., Pätynen, A., Taskinen, A., Huttula, T., & Malve, O. 2015. Statistical Dimensioning of Nutrient Loading Reduction: LLR Assessment Tool for Lake Managers. Environmental management, 1-12.

Pätynen, A., Kotamäki, N., Arvola, L., Tulonen, T. & Malve, O. 2015. Causal analysis of phytoplankton development in a small humic lake using structural equation modelling, Inland Waters, 5, 3:231-239.

Mano, A., Malve, O., Koponen, S., Kallio, K., Taskinen, A., Ropponen, J., Juntunen, J., Liukko, N. 2015. Assimilation of Satellite Data to 3D Hydrodynamic Model of Lake Säkylän Pyhäjärvi. Water Science and Technology. 71(7): 1033-1039.

Pätynen, A., Kotamäki, N., Malve, O. 2013. Alternative approaches to modelling lake ecosystems. Freshwater Reviews, 6:2:63-74. Freshwater Biological Association.

Williams, R., Keller, V., Voss, A., Bärlund, I., Malve, O., Riihimäki, J., Tattari, S., Alcamo, J. 2012. Assessment of current water pollution loads in Europe. Estimation of gridded loads for use in global water quality models. Hydrological processes. 26:16:2395-2410.

Malve, O., Tattari, S., Riihimäki, J., Jaakkola, E., Voβ, A., Williams, R., Bärlund, I. 2012. Estimation of diffuse pollution loads in Europe for continental scale modelling of loads and in‐stream river water quality. Hydrological processes. 26:16:2385-2394.

Voß, A., Alcamo, J., Bärlund, I., Voß, F., Kynast, E., Williams, R., Malve, O. 2012. Continental scale modelling of in stream river water quality: a report on methodology, test runs, and scenario application. Hydrological Processes. 26:16:2370-2384.

Reder, K., Barlund, I., Voss, A., Kynast, E., Williams, R., Malve, O., Florke, M. 2013. European scenario studies on future in-stream nutrient concentrations. Transactions of the ASABE. 56:6:1407-1417. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

VOß, A., Bärlund, I., Punzet, M., Williams, R., Kynast, E., Malve, O., VOß, F. 2010. Effect of changing anthropogenic and climate conditions on BOD loading and in-stream water quality in Europe. The Global Dimensions of Change in River Basins. 167.

Huttula, T., Bilaletdin, E., Härmä, P., Kallio, K., Linjama, J., Lehtinen, K., Luotonen, H., Malve, O., Vehviläinen, B., Villa, L. 2009. Ympäristön seurannan menetelmien kehittäminen. Automatisointi ja muut uudet mahdollisuudet. Suomen ympäristökeskus.

Verta, M., Kiviranta, H. Salo, S., Malve, O., Korhonen, M., Verkasalo, P.K., Ruokojärvi, P., Rossi, E., Hanski, A., Päätalo, K. and Vartiainen, T 2009. A decision framework for possible remediation of contaminated sediments in the River Kymijoki. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 16(1), pp.95-105. DOI - 10.1007/s11356-008-0061-9. URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/35195kl60v41j56t

Salo,S., Verta, M., Malve, O., Korhonen, M., Lehtoranta, J., Kiviranta, H., Isosaari, P., Ruokojarvi, P., Koistinen, J., Vartiainen, T. 2008. Contamination of River Kymijoki sediments with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and mercury and their transport to the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea. Chemosphere, 73,(10), November 2008, pp. 1675-1683, ISSN 0045-6535, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.07.085. (URL:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V74-4TGPB25-1/2/ff147a6c4184e86b7e22337a82354e26)

Lamon,, E.C., Malve, O., Pietilainen, O.-P. 2008. Lake classification to enhance prediction of eutrophication endpoints in Finnish lakes, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 23, Issue 7, , July 2008. pp. 938-947. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2007.10.008

Malve, O. 2007. Water quality prediction for river basin management. Doctoral dissertation. Helsinki University of Technology. Espoo, Finland. TKK-DISS-2292. ISBN 978-951-22-8749-9. URL: http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2007/isbn9789512287505/

Bärlund, I., Kirkkala, T., Malve, O., Kämäri, J. 2007. Assessing SWAT model performance in the evaluation of management actions for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in a Finnish catchment. Environmental Modelling & Software 22 (5), pp. 1364-8152. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2005.12.030

Malve, O., Laine, M., Haario, H., Kirkkala, T. and Sarvala, J. 2006. Bayesian modelling of algae mass occurrences using adaptive MCMC methods with a lake water quality model. Environmental Modelling and Software, 22(7), pp. 966-977. DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.06.016.

Malve, O., Qian, S. 2006. Estimating nutrients and chlorophyll a relationships in Finnish Lakes. Environmental Science & Technology, 40(24),pp. 7848-7853. DOI: 10.1021/es061359b.

Malve, O., Laine, M. and Haario, H. 2005. Estimation of winter respiration rates and prediction of oxygen regime in a lake using Bayesian inference. Ecological Modelling, 182(2), pp. 183-197. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.07.020

Malve, O., Salo, S., Verta, M. and Forsius, J. 2003. Modelling the transport of PCDD/F compounds in a contaminated river and possible infuence of restoration dredging on calculated fuxes. Environmental Science & Technology, 37(15), pp. 3413-3421. DOI: 10.1021/es0260723

Saloranta, T. M. Kamari, J. Rekolainen, S., Malve, O. 2003. Benchmark Criteria: A Tool for Selecting Appropriate Models in the Field of Water Management. Environmental Management 32(3):322-333.

Verta, M. Salo, S., Malve, O., Kiviranta, H. 2003. Continued transport of PCCD/F contaminated sediments from river Kymijoki to the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea. Organohalogen Compounds, 61:405-408.

Frisk, T. Bilaletdin, A. Kaipainen, H., Malve, O., Mols, M. 1999. Modelling phytoplankton dynamics of the eutrophic Lake Vortsjarv, Estonia. Hydrobiologia 414, p.59-69

Ekholm, P., Malve, O., Kirkkala, T. 1997. Internal and external loading as regulators of nutrient concentrations in the agriculturally loaded. Hydrobiologia,345(1):3-14.

Malve, O., Huttula, T. and Lehtinen, K. 1991. Modelling of Eutrophication and Oxygen Depletion in the Lake Lappajärvi. In: Wrobel, L., Brebbia, C.(Eds.), Water Pollution: Modelling, Measuring and Prediction. Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 111-124.

Varis, O., Malve, O., Kettunen J. 1988. Blue-green algae in lake Enajarvi modeling and analysis of periodicity. Advances in Environmental Modelling.

Julkaistu 1.2.2017