Olli Dahl

s. 1966

Diplomi-insinööri, Oulun yliopisto,1991
Tekniikan lisensiaatti, Oulun yliopisto,1995
Tekniikan tohtori, Oulun yliopisto,1999

Veitsiluoto Oyn tutkimusinsinööri 1993 - 1994
Oulun yliopiston tutkija, laboratorioinsinööri ja erikoistutkija 1995 - 2004
Teknillisen korkeakoulun, Aalto-yliopiston professori 2004 -

Korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden ympäristöasiantuntijaneuvos 2006 -


Mäkelä M., Nurmesniemi H., Watkins G., Pöykiö R., Dahl O., Secondary steel mill slags with solid residues from a pulp and paper mill: mineralogy, relevant physicochemical properties and trace element availability, International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation 3 (2012) 1-16

Mäkelä M., Watkins G., Pöykiö R., Nurmesniemi H., Dahl O., Utilization of steel, pulp and paper industry solid residues in forest soil amendment: relevant physicochemical properties and heavy metal availability, Journal of Hazardous Materials 207-208 (2011) 21-27

Jylhä.,P, Dahl.,O., Laitila, J. and Kärhä K. (2010)The effect of supply system on the wood paying capability of a kraft pulp mill using Scots pine harvested from first thinnings. Silva Fennica 44(4): 695–714

Dahl, O., Nurmesniemi, H., Pöykiö, R. & Watkins, G. (2009) Comparison of the characteristics of bottom ash and fly ash from a medium-size (32 MW) municipal district heating plant incinerating forest residues and peat in a fluidized-bed boiler. Fuel Processing Technology 90, 871-878

Dahl, O. (Book Editor). Papermaking Science and Technology, Book 19. Environmental management and control, 2008, Fapet Oy, Jyväskylä, 304 p.

Maximova, N., Dahl, O. (2007) A set up of a modern analytical laboratory for wastewaters from pulp and paper industry. Chem. Soc. Rev., 36, 2007. DOI:10.1039/b515226g. Royal Society of Chemistry.

Maximova, N., Dahl, O. (2006) Environmental implications of aggregation phenomena: Current understanding. Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci., 11(4), 246–266. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

Julkaistu 30.8.2013